antonia deignan author
2 min readJun 10, 2024

pain, gaping wounds, ruptures

Tell me one person that doesn’t have one of those stories

I don’t know one…(what do I know, though).

Gaping crushing wounds happen.

I think in some cases for littles, the barely developed selves, the little people personhood chemistries are in play on the one hand of trauma, and the psychologies, the sensitive souls and regulation of confusing emotions lay on the other side. Our chemistries/physiologies employ the fight or fly, that Dorsal vagal nerve is there for a reason (fear response/activate shutdown) when awful happens, or sometimes, in other words, when the fucked up do to you a fucking over, our nerves’ safe holds and safe words can get short-circuited, (all hell breaks loose).

We know it when we’ve asserted that reactive keep-your-head-above-water-or-emotionally-leave-the-building tactic toward fucked-upped-ness instead of a calm and reasoned alternative. Then what happens? Just a lifetime of repetitive distorted attachment techniques.

Wounds remain, or widen; pain overstays.

Instead of collapsing into dissociation or adaptive self-shaming (Dorsal vagal), maybe we could opt for a different neural path, the Ventral Vagal way, which broadens our range of responses to danger, cueing healthier forms of connection, balance, joyful calm.







antonia deignan author

UNDERWATER DAUGHTER published 05/02/2023 by She Writes Press. Thought maker. Movement creator. Memoir & Human Connection. Mom of 5. Dog obsessed.